May 18, 2011
On 25th April, 2011, Centre for Conflict & Peace Studies (CAPS) was honoured to host the Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan, His Excellency Mr. Andrey Avetisyan.
The Director of CAPS, Mr. Hekmat Karzai, welcomed Ambassador Avetisyan to the Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies and he briefly described CAPS’ vision and how CAPS strived as an Afghan-lead think-tank in Afghanistan to produce research that highlights ground realities from an Afghan perspective for policy makers and the international community alike.
Following Mr. Karzai’s introductory remarks, CAPS Head of Research, Miss Mariam Safi presented the institute’s extensive profile and described the various different programs and projects underway at the institute. During a discussion on the pertinence of radicalization, Ambassador Avetisyan added that he supported de-radicalization, however, he stressed that it would be more productive to prevent youth from joining the insurgency in the first place then giving insurgents the time and space to radicalize youth and then have the government try de-radicalizing them much later. To prevent youth from joining the insurgency, jobs must be created, education should be made accessible for all youths across the country explained Ambassador Avetisyan.
H.E. Ambassador Andrey Avetisyan, thanked Mr. Hekmat Karzai and CAPS team for their hospitality and said that he was pleased with the institute’s research and said he hoped the institute would continue its projects so to give policy makers and the international community a better understanding of Afghan socio-political environment which will help all those engaged in Afghanistan strive effectively towards achieving peace and stability.
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