Dec 02, 2009
Muhammad Ajmal Khan Karimi, Senior Research Analyst at Center for Conflict and Peace Studies (CAPS), participated in The Regional Workshop on Conflict Resolution Research. The workshop was held at the Department of International Relations, University of Karachi, Pakistan from 09 to 11 November 2009. It was a joint initiative between the Department of International Relations, University of Karachi and Hanns Seidel Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Mr. Karimi participated in the sessions during the first day, which focused on the notion of Theory and Practice of Conflict Resolution Research and Models of Conflict Resolution Research: Ethnic, Religious, Resource-based conflicts. On the second day of workshop, Mr. Karimi spoke about the dimensions of Conflict and different actors in Afghanistan. He presented a draft-paper, which focused on Historical context of Conflict in Afghanistan,
Mr. Karimi emphasized the Importance and Scope of research to understand the nature of conflict in Afghanistan by: a. Understanding the Afghan Society and the State. b. The Role of Tribal System, Social and Cultural Norms and Future of Conflict Resolution in Afghanistan and awareness among the people about conflict Management. Mr. Karimi finally pointed out to the window of opportunity for the research in the Afghan Context, as apposed to external contexts super-imposed.
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