Dec 22, 2008

From the 9th till the 12th of December of 2008, Mr. Hekmat Karzai visited Washington; DC.Mr. Karzai was invited by the James town Foundation ( to deliver a key note address at their annual conference titled, ‘The Expanding Geography of Militant Jihad’.  The event was a major success as there were over 400 people from the US government, think-tank community, private sector and military in attendance.

The title of Mr. Karzai’s presentation at the conference was: “Bringing Order to Chaos: A Strategic Framework for Victory in Afghanistan” where he highlighted key challenges of Afghanistan and provided a framework outlining both military and political recommendations on how to move forward in Afghanistan.

In addition to the James town Foundation’s annual conference, Mr. Karzai had several meetings with various government and non-government institutions.  Particularly, he briefed officials at the White House, the National Security Council, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and other influential personnel in the process of transition.  Mr. Karzai also made a close door presentation to a selected group at the Center for New American Security (CNAS).

There are two concurrent reviews currently underway on Afghanistan in the United States: the first one is conducted by the National Security Council under the leadership of General Douglas Lute and the second under General David Patreaus in Central Command.  Mr. Karzai was invited by the NSC and briefed on their on their review.

To view the full Agenda of the James town Foundation annual conference, please click below:[tt_news]=34075&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=768ccd3660