November 2010


Sayed Maisam Wahidi
Transition or “Inteqal” is a new phenomenon in the literature of security and development in Afghanistan. It is the time for Afghans to take over responsibilities of providing security and rebuilding their country since the time has come for foreign troops to start reducing its footprint in Afghanistan. Therefore, the international Kabul conference communiqué and NATO-Afghanistan strategic partnership has paved the road for the implementation of the transition strategy in Afghanistan.  The timeline for transition has been set to 2014, such that by that time, Afghans themselves will take over security responsibilities and NATO-led ISAF will play an assisting role for Afghan security forces. However, from the context of NATO-Afghanistan strategic partnership, the notion of security transition focuses strictly on security related issues while overlooking similar transitions in other related domains like society, economics and politics. (Full Article,file type (Pdf) 277 KB )